6 Reasons To Take A Hike

1. Trail Snacks
Everything just seems to taste better out in nature. Plus, there’s nothing like climbing mountains to work up an appetite and quell any concerns you may have had about the 250 calories in that Snickers bar.
2. A Great Night’s Sleep
The combination of fresh air and cardio can certainly wear you out. Top it off with a hot post-hike meal and you’ll be nodding off in no time. Whether you’re back home in your bed or tucked into your sleeping bag beneath the stars, the deep sleep you get after a day outdoors is hard to beat.
3. The Views
About two minutes before this picture was taken I turned a corner and was completely taken aback. I think I actually gasped. The feeling of awe as you take in a hard-earned vista can never be captured in a video or photograph.
4. Being Together
In Tom Sawyer Abroad Mark Twain writes, “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” Hiking is travel in its most basic form and taking a hike is a great way to further connect with the important people in your life. Being in nature is a great opportunity to unplug, forget about your to-do list for a while, and simply enjoy each other’s company. Plus, accomplishing something challenging together will strengthen your bond.
5. Being Alone
Conversely, a solo hike lets you enjoy your own company. The Twain quote above applies here as well but many hikers will also attest to Friedrich Nietzsche’s remark, “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Once your legs get in a groove (and maybe your cell phone loses reception!) your mind is free to do some pretty heavy lifting.
6. It’s Free!
You don’t need to invest in fancy gear to enjoy nature and you don’t need an expensive gym membership to get moving. Hiking is accessible to anyone with a sturdy pair of shoes and the desire to get outside. For beginners not sure where to start, a quick search for trails in your area should be enough to get you going. Also, be sure to read up on basic hiking safety guidelines. See you on trail!